There are an increasing number of products and services available today, accompanied by an increase in brand communication “noise”. With so many options available to consumers, how do you choose the best marketing tools to help you stand out in this overloaded culture? If you’re wondering how to stand out with your brand, the answer is simple:
Make choices.
If you emphasize everything, nothing will be important.
Stay Focused.
Once your communication path is chosen, be consistent and find ways to reinforce it, even if that means eliminating other creative possibilities. There are many ways to be creative without adding noise to your communication.
Less is More.
Rethink your content and design, working towards striking, direct and clean. Think creatively and outside of the box with a foot still on the ground.
Design Differential.
Your chosen design must follow your brand’s identity, differential and goals. A great design is the one that is able to communicate who you are and where you want to be.
Design Tips from the Field:
Colors. Stick with your institutional and complementary colors.
Photography. Pick a style that speaks for your brand — and stick with it. Go for unusual, and safe at the same time.
Design Elements. A watermark of your company’s icon and other elements that complement your brand are welcome when used with balance.
Typography. Don’t use more than three different font types in the same creative piece, unless it is your intent and strategy to do so.
Contrast is Key. The human brain loves contrast. Look for opportunities to use contrast with color, size, font thickness and anything else you have to work with. Use contrast to make your product, service or ideas stand out and convey the message.
Have fun out there, and let us know when you need help.