Increase Domain Authority Like a Boss

Increase Domain Authority Like a Boss

If websites were human, and you asked them what they wanted from their world, the answer would likely be for people to visit them more often. Every website wants to be seen the most, heard the loudest, and be the answer to people’s needs. There’s a lot that goes into...
Why Your Brand Needs a UX Writer This Year

Why Your Brand Needs a UX Writer This Year

User experience is where it’s at. User intent with a search query is Google’s top priority as a search engine, and user interactions across websites are a significant ranking factor for SEO. Many factors determine search ranking. These include web traffic, how long a...
Top SEO Companies Know How to Get Your Business Going

Top SEO Companies Know How to Get Your Business Going

If you’re a business owner, you’ve likely been told you need to blog. And while there are the obvious reasons for a business to blog, like connecting with your audience and having a platform to communicate with your customers, there are also technical reasons, that...
Does an SEO Keyword Need to Be Exact? Yes and No

Does an SEO Keyword Need to Be Exact? Yes and No

As a digital agency, our clients often ask about exact SEO keywords. When performing keyword research, we find that the search terms users use are often jumbled, sometimes misspelled, and aren’t always clear. Let’s face it, we don’t always think through our search...
What We Can Expect from Organic SEO in 2019

What We Can Expect from Organic SEO in 2019

2019 is upon us, and as digital marketers, we know it will bring changes. Even though things move fast in our world, we stay up-to-date so that we can carry our clients into the new year anticipating these changes. Like most digital content writers, I rely on Yoast to...