
marketing companies in bend on net neutrality

Marketing Companies in Bend On Net Neutrality | From Facebook to Amazon

Marketing companies in Bend and everywhere are hearing the recent buzz of Net Neutrality. How does Net Neutrality affect digital marketing as an industry and what does it mean for the end user?   What is Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality surrounds the idea that ISPs, or internet service providers, should provide unrestricted, neutral access to

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Increasing Facebook engagement

Drive Website Traffic by Increasing Facebook Engagement

When it comes to social media marketing, Facebook still reigns as the world’s biggest content channel. Shareaholic research has found that Facebook now drives 25% of all traffic to websites and continues to grow, more so than all other social networks combined. It’s clear that businesses need to be on Facebook, but in order to drive leads and website traffic, what can companies do? Increase Facebook engagement. When Facebook users are liking, sharing and interacting with your content in their newsfeed, engagement increases and so does traffic. Increasing Facebook Engagement Yes, it’s important for businesses to have a Facebook page, […]

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Getting started with social media (the what, how and why)

What do you publish? Many of us jump into social media and do a lot of chest pounding. Of course, we’re interesting right? While this used to be the thing in the era of traditional marketing, the rules are a little different now: engagement, trust and good content will get you where you want to go. While some of your updates can be promotional, don’t forget to engage. Here are a few tips to consider when getting started with social media: Relevant content Your followers and people who like your stuff probably share interests with you. It’s a good idea […]

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What's an Integrated Marketing Campaign | Ask Coke and Ogilvy, it's "what works"

I had a NY client ask me yesterday what’s integrated marketing and how does it differ from them just running a few print ads and waiting to see if that works. This was a new business, right out of the gate. Drilled down to its basics, an integrated marketing campaign combines the medium, e.g., print/broadcast

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Blog Naked | What is Blogging and Why Do it With Your Clothes Off

Sure, social media is evolving. Some say it’s dying while others still own it. It’s natural for technology to change, as some channels become more in vogue while others fade out of existence. The one hard fast truth though, is that the web isn’t going anywhere. And social media, not as a term many are still trying to grasp, but as a media, isn’t a fad. Especially looking at Facebook’s recent numbers cited at over 500 million. Whether you love it or hate it, whether you enjoy sharing with the world some of those details you maybe shouldn’t, you can’t deny its power and reach.

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