Getting Your Customers to Engage (Part Two)
By Molly Esselstrom |
First, learn about integrating your efforts in part one. Now, experienced business owners and successful marketers understand that their communications and content must be relevant to the consumer for there to be any type of recognition or engagement. Until recently, content consisted of whitepapes, articles, or press releases in print form. Today, content begins at the
LinkedIn with the Best of Em: Five Steps to Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
By Molly Esselstrom |
The first step in optimizing your LinkedIn profile so that it works for your brand or business is to complete as much of it as you can. So if you’re looking for employment now or will be in the future, this is your online resume that deserves the same attention as you would put into
Getting Your Customers to Engage (Part One)
By Molly Esselstrom |
Experienced business owners and successful marketers understand that their communications and content must be relevant to the consumer for there to be any type of recognition or engagement. Until recently, content consisted of whitepapes, articles, or press releases in print form. Today, content begins at the website, then email, social media, online articles and releases,
6 Steps to Social Media Success (for big brands and small businesses)
By Molly Esselstrom |
Businesses today know they need to integrate social media into their marketing mix. But, most aren’t sure where to begin, how to manage it or how to develop a plan. Social media is useful for many types of businesses. This includes both big brands and small businesses. The correct use of social media helps companies
Send More Organic Search Traffic to Your Website
By Molly Esselstrom |
Yet another of Google’s changes to its ranking algorithm is in full swing. Sites with low-quality content will continue to see rankings drop. As Google pointed out, the change is not a sum zero one: if some sites drop in the rankings, others will rise. So how to make sure your site delivers organic search
Online Marketing and Advertising in Real Time
By Molly Esselstrom |
The beauty of online marketing and advertising is that you can make adjustments to your mix or your message in real time. Keep in mind these 6 building blocks when developing your online marketing planning and strategy, and if your message isn’t sticking, make changes quickly. 1. Define Your Target Market: If you don’t know
Marketing Planning and Strategy | Does Yours Need an Update?
By Molly Esselstrom |
It takes serious dedication to your marketing planning and strategy to ensure that your steering your ship in the right direction. So if you want to use the your marketing efforts and dollars most effectively, be sure you to ask these questions on a regular basis: Is our current marketing strategy driving the results we
Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes
By Molly Esselstrom |
Your social media communications represent your brand in a very transparent way. There is no question that it only takes a few more clicks for your audience to learn the truth about who and what you are. Common social media marketing mistakes Artificial Results Artificially inflated results are not difficult to purchase or produce. To
Budget Friendy Website Marketing Ideas
By Molly Esselstrom |
Would you like your customers to do your online marketing for you in case you don’t have a heavy budget for advertising? Here are some budget friendly website marketing ideas … For budget friendly website marketing ideas, focus your marketing efforts on creating an enthusiastic customer base to share their love of your company and