RIP Google PageRank dies

Google PageRank Metric Dies | A Step Towards Leveling the Field

For many Internet marketers and search engine optimizers, Google PageRank has been one of the most important factors in evaluating website quality. For many businesses, individuals and SEO and marketing professionals, if their optimization efforts resulted in a PageRank increase of one or two, then a celebration was in order. Now, it appears as if Google has decided to level the playing field, or make it more difficult for people to collect high ranking domains to be sold for profit. At Savy, we first noticed the disappearance of Google PageRank when doing some research for a new client. With each […]

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2016 Google algorithm updates

2016 Google Algorithm Updates | Mobile Friendly Ranking and More

To report on all of the 2016 Google algorithm updates would be nearly impossible. Because, naturally, the search giant makes 500-600 changes a year. We can take a look back at the 2016 Google algorithm updates that had the biggest impact this year and look onward to upcoming changes that have already been announced. Many

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The Importance of Online Reviews and How They Impact Local SEO

Over the course of the past few months we’ve talked about how different aspects of digital marketing affect how you get found online. From utilizing engagement and social media as a new best practice of SEO to posting regular blog content, these elements all play into how you’re found online. Now, we’re going to talk about the importance of online reviews and how they impact local SEO. As we’ve learned in the past, how you engage users online and what they say about you can have a huge impact on your website traffic. Importance of Online Reviews Informing consumer purchasing […]

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The Newest Best Practice of SEO? Engagement

With 2016 quickly approaching, there’s a lot of talk among the tech savvy about the newest best practices of SEO for the coming year. While the use of title tags, keywords and traditional best practice of SEO will still persist, we’re more interested in engagement. Engaging the correct audiences will be the newest best practice of SEO. And, getting them to become loyal to your brand will be the biggest challenge in 2016. Engagement doesn’t seem like it would necessarily be a best practice of SEO. But, when users are actively engaged, it will drive more traffic to your website. […]

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How does Google's Phantom 2 update effect websites?

How Does the Phantom 2 Update Affect Your Business’ Website?

It’s no secret that Google releases upwards of 500 algorithm updates every year. Many fly under the radar unnoticed and others, like the Panda, Penguin and mobile update, have more publicity. Recently, what is now being dubbed the Phantom 2 update has been implemented without warning and has caused a large impact on websites. Some sites saw Google organic traffic sway 10-20%, either up or down due to the latest Phantom update. History of the Phantom Update In May of 2013 while the SEO community prepared for the Penguin 2.0 update that targeted unnatural links, a different, unannounced update swooped […]

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SEO Strategies for 2015

One of the best ways for your business to start the New Year is with an innovative search strategy that banks on continuous improvement. No one gets it perfect all the time, and search engine optimization is both art and science of learning, course-correcting and utilizing the ever-changing sea of available data to apply and adjust your SEO strategy in a way that makes your website attractive to not only people but to the search engines as well.

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Why Not to Use Your Local Host: An Intro into ISP blacklisting

We’re doing the SEO for a local Central Oregon business. We built them a custom Wordpress site with an integrated blog. In their analytics reporting last month, I noticed a substantial traffic drop from the month prior so I looked further to see if there were any issues I could address. I found their domain’s ISP had been blacklisted by two DNSBLs. Here’s what happened and why you want to avoid it from happening to you.

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